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Winter just started and it's literally freezing outside!! At this very right moment, all I can think about is how I will survive the next 6 months until Summer 2020 inshaAllah. Not only summer is all up in my mind, but the thought is insanely and particularly driven by the crescent desire to put foot back on my beautiful land, Senegal. Memories start to kick back; among them, a typical Sunday evening in Senegal, when the simplest but oh so tasteful dishes were quickly made and put on the table, putting a smile on families and friends's faces.
Today, I will take you to a "Sunday evening in Senegal," with a special dish that has always been my favorite. Commonly called "Lakk Dieune," this dish is the right combination of taste and flavor. Your taste buds will surely thank you for it.
"Lakk Dieune" means Grilled Fish and is usually served with any salad, french fries and onion sauce. Here, instead of barbecuing it (bummer it's winter), I decided to go for the oven. I, honestly, was surprised by the perfect taste it had since I was so used to grilling it. While some people do grill it, you will occasionally see some others deep frying it; it really depends on the taste and what you are craving on eating.
My mother recently blessed me with an air fryer (thank you mother you're my bestest) and I am literally and crazily obsessed with the thing; I just can't stop cooking from there anymore. It just makes everything so much easier and... healthier. As I am planning on posting such recipes, please expect them anytime from now. And without further due, let's dive into our recipe.
(for 4-5 pers)
6 Clean Red Mullets (hopefully they will clean it good for you)
4 Onions
6 Potatoes
Romaine Lettuce
6 Tomatoes ( 4 for the sauce (a can of diced tomatoes will do as well) and 2 for the salad)
2 Hass Avocados
1 Cucumber
1 Small Can of Manzanilla Olives
1 Head Fresh Broccoli
Lemon Juice
2 tbsps of Garlic Ginger Paste ( you can create your own paste. Recipe is up!)
1 Cup of Olive Oil
Olive Oil or Butter Spray
1 cup and 1/2 of oil (vegetable or canola)
Dijon Mustard
2 tbsps of Soumbedioune
2 tbsps of Roff
1 tbsp of 7-Herbs and Garlic
First, start by preheating the oven to 360 F. Then, proceed on cleaning your mullets. Slice at an angle all the way to the bone, repeating every 1 1/2". Use an extra-sharp knife to do so. On the side, mix 2 tbsps of garlic ginger paste with 2 tbsps of Soumbedioune and 2 tbsps of Roff. Once the mix is all done, proceed by stuffing the mullets from the slices and by rubbing the cavity with the same marinade. Spray your aluminium foil or pan with olive oil or butter, then place the mullets, without forgetting to brush them with olive oil so they wont stick and will have that crisp finish. Place in the oven and set it to broil until brown not black.
While your fishes are getting ready, proceed with french fries. I personally love my french fries homemade, however you can buy the frozen ones if you like. Peel the potatoes and french fry cut them (is that even a word). Make sure to set your air fryer to 400 F (sometimes it depends on the air fryer so make sure to check if there are some instructions first). Marinade your french fries with 1 tbsp of 7-herbs, 1 tsp of Soumbedioune, 1 pinch of salt and 1 tbsp of canola or vegetable oil. Mix it all and pour on air fryer basket. Leave the temperature to 400 F and set 5 series of 5mn; that would allow you to check them until done.
After 20mn, check the mullets and turn them over to allow the other side to cook. Meanwhile, cut your onions and 4 tomatoes into dices if you don't have the can. Mix with 1 tbsp of the remaining marinade that you used for the fish, 1 tbsp of vinegar and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Pour into the saucepan without any oil on it yet. It will allow it to slowly cook and, I promise, will make it even tastier. Time for 10mn before adding a tbsp of vegetable or canola oil, Let it cook for 5 to 10 min before serving it.
At 5 min from pulling the mullets from the oven, have 1 tsp of oil mixed with a tbsp of lemon juice and delicately brush it over the fish to give it that extra kick. Leave in the oven for 5 min and pull them out.
At this point, I always like to make a quick salad that would top the chef d'oeuvre. Mix your romaine lettuce leaves with the broccoli, the cucumber, the hass avocados, the tomatoes, and the olives. To make our vinaigrette, still take the other half of the remaining marinade(if over, make the same marinade again), add 1 tsp of Dijon mustard, 1/2 of olive oil, 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 tsp of vinegar, black pepper and a pinch of salt.
Time to fix you a plate! Serve your mullet with the side of salad, french fries and your colorful and tasty sauce. Miam!