Hey there Masset Chefs!
You know that moment when you just want to make something quick and easy while tasty? That's exactly what happened to us yesterday and we ended up making these small sugar-puffed donuts, soft on the inside and crispy on the outside! They are called nun's farts... why on earth would they call it like that? Well I don't know if it's true but here's the story around its: "there was a nun living at the Abbey of Marmoutier who apparently farted in the kitchen while they were putting a feast together. The other nuns laughed so hard they ended up dropping a spoonful of the dough in a container of hot oil. Thus was born this type of donut in France, light as a breath that some prefer to call "pets de nonne."
Whether it's true or not, I hope this made you laugh! Now it's time for our recipe!

2 cups of flour
1/2 teaspoon Chai
1/2 teaspoon Ginger Mix
4 eggs
50 g butter
1/2 cup of sugar
Orange Blossom
1 pinch of salt
Frying oil
Pour 2 cups of water to heat with the butter, salt, sugar, when it is done remove from the head
Mix the Ginger Mix, Chai and the flour then add all of sudden to the mixture, mix vigorously
Return to the heat, stir until the dough comes off the bottom of the pan
Remove from the heat and add the eggs, one at a time, beating strongly, then add the orange blossom flower
Heat some oil on a deep saucepan for frying purposes, put the dough in pieces like balls
Turn the "farts" if they don't do it themselves.
When golden brown, drain, sprinkle with sugar and serve
As usual, make sure to let us know how it went.
Bon Appetit,